Black History Month is a kind of annual observance that was originated in the United States. People also call it African-American History Month. It has already got official recognition from the governments of Canada and the United States. Even, people in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Ireland have recently observed Black History Month. Well, it was started with the remembering of the important events as well as the people inextricably associated with the rich ecosystem of the African Diaspora. In Canada and the United States, people observe it in the month of February. On the other side, people in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Ireland observe Black History Month in October.
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Black History Month (1970) — United States
It was in February 1969 when the Black United Students and the Black Educators first proposed Black History Month. If we talk about the first Black History Month celebration, it took place from 2nd January to 28th February in 1970 at Kent State. Well, this event got national recognition after six years. People across the country in community centres, centres of Black culture, and educational institutions started observing this month. It was started with the celebration of the United States Bicentennial. During this time, President Gerald Ford recognized this month. He urged the Americans to honour the neglected accomplishment of the Black Americans.
Black History Month- Canada
Well, the House of Commons of Canada recognized February as Black History Month. The month was observed to honour the Black Canadians. The Black people had played an important role in the process of shaping the identity and heritage of Canada since the emergence of Mathieu Da Costa who was an interpreter and navigator. Now, if we talk about the ecosystem of the historic landscape of Canada, the accomplishments of the Black people have always been neglected. There is very little information mentioned in the history of Canada. According to it, after the American Revolution, people came here and settled in the Maritimes. These people belonged of African descent. They made endless sacrifices during the war.
There are a few Canadians who knew the fact that the Black people were under captivity in the territory. People call it Canada now. Now, it is quite difficult to forget the enslavement and helped to set the foundation of the inclusive and diverse society of Canada. People observe Black History Month let people know about the stories inextricably associated with Black Canadians. Thus, the Canadians will come to know about the contributions of the Black Canadians in the process of development, growth and settlement of Canada. People also observe Black History Month highlight the diversity of the Black community in the country. It also highlights the importance of Black Canadian to Canadian history.
Recognition Of Black History Month
Well, it was started in 1926 when Carter G. Woodson urged people to observe the ignored accomplishments of the Black people in the history of the United States. Carter G. Woodson was an African American historian who studied at Harvard. Thus, the Negro History Week started in 1926. After this, the celebration of Black History Month started in Canada. In 1970, the Negro History Week had become Black History Week. Later, in 1976, it got expansion and Black History Week became Black History Month. In 1995, Jean Augustine started a motion. She was the first Black Canadian woman in the house of Parliament. The House of Commons unanimously carried this motion. Later, in December, the House of Commons recognized February as Black History Month. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is inextricably associated with Black History Month.
Fundraising Events For The Black History Month
Well, there are many organizations that come forward during this Month to let people know about the ignored accomplishments of the Black Canadians. It is a national event that people observe throughout the month of February. During this time, Canadians across the country participate in the Black History Month events and festivities to honour the accomplishments of the Black Canadians. If you are a fundraiser, you can do a lot of things during the Month.