Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week is one of the most remarkable events. It is basically a weekly event that is observed by the people in the month of February. Yes, people in Canada and the United States observe this beautiful event throughout the third full week in the month of February. We have differences as well as similarities. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week is very important as during this week, people give preference to these aspects. Yes, people across the nation come forward to celebrate this event. They not only discuss the differences but also highlight the similarities. People give preference to human brotherhood as well as sisterhood.
Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.Vietnamese Proverb
Background Of Brotherhood And Sisterhood Week
Well, it is President Franklin D. Roosevelt who actually promulgated the Brotherhood Week in 1934. Later, it became Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week. In 1934, Franklin Roosevelt founded the National Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week. It was all started with the efforts done by the National Conference for Community and Justice. Well, the previous name of this organization was the National Conference of Christian and Jews. The main objective was to counter the sectarian or communal sentiments of the Americans in 1920.
The prominent founders of this organization asked the President to promulgate this week as the Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week. The foremost objective of this week is to encourage people to step forward in order to discuss the differences as well as similarities. People belonging to different faiths and communities step forward to come forward during this week. People have been observing this event throughout the third full week in the month of February. The entire week is dedicated to celebrate the differences. People belonging to different faiths and backgrounds come together. They also make a commitment in order to eliminate or terminate the religious and racial prejudice. The non-profit organizations across the country come forward for conducting various events. The main objective of these organizations is to help women and men of all ages in the process of pursuing their goals.
Canadian Council Of Christians And Jews- Brotherhood And Sisterhood Week
Well, when it comes to observing the Brotherhood and Sisterhood Week, you must know the important points closely associated with the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews. The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews is also called CCCJ. This is an organization that is entirely dedicated to promoting religious, racial, and cultural equality. Well, they organize various educational programs in order to promote racial, religious, and cultural equalities. The organization also promotes various school-based programs that they implement to educate the young generation about the negative aspects of bias, prejudice, and discrimination.