White Cane Week is a remarkable event in the history of Canada. Well, people in Canada observe this event every year in February. They observe this event throughout the first full week in the 2nd month of the year. The main objective of this event is to raise awareness about how blind people can make positive changes in their communities. If we talk about 2019, people observed the White Cane Week from 3rd February to 9th February.
Perhaps only in a world of the blind will things be what they truly are.José Saramago
White Cane Week
Well, a white cane is basically a tool that visually impaired and blind people use in order to travel. If we specifically start talking about the background of White Cane, you will realize that the week is actually named after the tool, white cane. This is why it is called White Cane Week. The visually impaired and blind people move this tool in front of them from side to side. It is a white coloured straight stick that creates sound. And blind people can feel it when the stick hits the floor or the ground. Thus, they will get to know about the objects in front of them. In addition to this, they will be able to understand the actual texture of the surface such as puddles, snow, grass, pavement, etc. If there is carpet or tiles on the floor, they will understand with the help of the white cane.
The colour of the cane that the blind and visually impaired people use is white. The main reason behind it is that it becomes clearly visible to the other travelers. Moreover, the cane used by the blind and visually impaired people remains straight and long. On the other side, if we talk about the cane used by the people suffering from physical disabilities, those canes come up with a curved shape. Those canes are designed in such a way so that it can provide adequate balance and support. Moreover, the canes used by blind people are foldable.
White Cane Week And Canadian Council Of The Blind
Well, the Canadian Council of the Blind and White Cane Week are inextricably associated with each other. When it comes to observing White Cane Week, you must know the important things. Closely associated with the Canadian Council of the Blind. The first week of the month of February is all about White Cane Week. It is a weekly event that people observe in order to raise public awareness about the problems. And challenges that blind and visually impaired people are facing every day. People come forward to organize various events in support of the blind and visually impaired people. Canadian Council of the Blind chapters or CCB chapters sponsor these events. From chapter to chapter, events might vary. But, the main objective of conducting these events is to demonstrate the abilities. They never highlight the disabilities of such people living their lives with vision loss.
Well, CCB chapters host different types of events across the country such as informational forums, open houses, and many more.