Make Fundraising Drive More Effective With Mobile Fundraising App
Mobile fundraising app is actually making the fundraising drive more effective. If you analyse the present situation, you will understand that the people across the globe are giving preference to technology and electronic modes. Therefore, now, more than 30% of donors are making a donation using mobile phones. On the other side, churches and non-profit organizations are also accepting the conveniences of technology. They are also providing an option so that the donors can make a donation online sitting from their homes. In 2014, the percentage of mobile giving was 9%. But, in 2015, it became 14% and over the course of time, the figure is getting bigger. The figure can be 73% by the end of 2021. The potential donors across the globe are giving much preference to online fundraising sites since the emergence of the pandemic situation.
Life is not scripted. Conversations with our donors should not be either.Lauren Semple
Mobile Fundraising App Can Perfectly Fit Into Your Fundraising Drive
If you are a fundraiser and want to make your fundraising drive successful, you will have to do something out of the box. If you go with the traditional and old-fashioned ways, you might not get the desired results. We are living in a technology-oriented era where people are carrying mobile phones, credit cards, and debit cards. Everyone has access to the internet and people in the United States and Canada are not only relying on desktops and laptops to use the internet. Everyone has a smartphone through which they can do almost everything that people used to on their desktops and laptops. Well, mobile donation is something that people can do with the help of their mobile phones. This is why mobile fundraising app can perfectly fit into the ecosystem of a fundraising drive.
Mobile fundraising app or mobile donation app is not only good for the donors but also beneficial for the non-profit organizations. On one side, it can boost the performance of your online fundraising drive and on the other side, the online donation app can make the entire donation process easier and faster. There are endless benefits and if you are planning to start a fundraising campaign online, you must go through some of its benefits mentioned below:
Mobile Fundraising App Is Very Convenient For The Donors
People in the 21st century are pursuing a tight schedule. The convenience is not a nice-to-have thing; it has actually become essential. People do not have much time as they have to follow an over-burdened schedule and tight to-do lists. Amid this situation, if they cannot follow the old-fashioned, complicated, and time-consuming donation process. They will simply overlook your fundraising campaign and move to the next to-do item. People are actively looking for convenience. As a fundraiser, you will have to find a way through which you can make the entire donation process more convenient. Fortunately, mobile fundraising can help you in this situation.
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