Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week is one of the most observable and salient events in Canada and the United States. People living in Canada observe this event throughout the second week in the month of February. It is actually a kind of weekly event that people observe every year in February in order to promote education and awareness about heart defects. It is undoubtedly a serious event. According to a report, Congenital Heart Defects or CHDS are one of the most common birth defects. Every year, almost one in the 100 birth suffers from it. Heart defects are something that people will experience throughout their lives.
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About Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
So, people observe the Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week in February to remember and honour the people born with congenital defects in heart or CHDs. In addition to this, the medical professionals who actually take care of those people born with congenital defects in heart also get recognition. People celebrate their accomplishments. Moreover, people also give recognition to those experts who are conducting various research work in order to prevent and treat heart defects.
Congenital heart defects are a kind of birth defect and it can change the ways of living of the people affected by it. This is why the Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week is very important. Many organizations step forward to honour these people. Well, Congenital defects in heart can affect the overall blood flow in the body. It basically goes through the heart. CHDs can vary from severe to mild. Fortunately, the treatments are there. But, it depends upon the intensities of the congenital defects in heart. Some need multiple operations whereas some congenita defects in heart can be easily diagnosed during pregnancy.
Educate People About The CHDs During The Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
According to a report, almost 1.5 million people in the United States have some sort of congenital defects. So, it is not something that we can overlook easily. During the Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, non-profit organizations can come forward to educate people about the cause of defects in heart. People must know the causes of heart defects. Otherwise, it will be difficult to bring supreme changes in society.
Causes of CHDs
As of now, the actual causes of the CHDs are still unknown. There are many health professionals who consider this as a genetic problem. But, the fact is that there are a few genes that are inextricably linked to heart defects. Therefore, we cannot clearly say that it is a genetic problem. It can be a combination of environmental factors and multiple genetic.
Sometimes, changes even in a single gene can cause heart defects. Well, in such a case, one of your family members must have a heart defect. There is actually a 50% chance that another member in the same family will suffer from heart defects.