National Francophonie Week is one of the most important events. It is a national event that people observe in the month of March. It is basically a weekly event and people observe this weekly event from 17th of March to 25th of March. Talking about International Francophonie Day, people generally observe it on the 20th of March. Well, if we talk about the objective of National Francophonie Week, it basically provides a golden opportunity to the people who speak French.
A different language is a different vision of life.Federico Fellini
Yes, during this National Francophonie Week, people who speak the French language across the globe celebrate the dynamic aspects of the French language. It has a rich history and diverse culture and French speakers all over the globe celebrate these things during the National Francophonie Week. You might be surprised to know that almost 1500 events take place during this National Francophonie Week and almost 70 countries get involved.
French Language And National Francophonie Week
The French language has a very inextricable connection with the National Francophonie Week. Yes, you have got it right. It is the Ministry of Culture that coordinates this event. Well, if we specifically talk about the objectives of the National Francophonie Week, it actually highlights the use and role of spoken words. More than 500 bookstores, various associations, theatres, museums, universities, schools, libraries, and hospitals host different types of events during this week.
Well, when we are talking about the National Francophonie Week, we must cover the importance of the French language. Yes, you have got it right. You might be shocked to know that the 2nd most studies language in this world is French. Almost 900,000 teachers and 125 million students have an inextricable association with this language and this is just international figures. In the ecosystem of international news, this language is considered the 2nd most-important language.
If we talk about the business world, it is considered as the 3rd most important language. On the other side, if we talk about the dynamic ecosystem of the internet, the French language is considered as the 4th most important language. In the diverse ecosystem of international organizations, this language is considered one of the most important languages. Overall, this language is the 5th most spoken language on this planet. Along with the English language, French is also spoken on the five continents.
International Francophonie Day
When we are talking about National Francophonie Week, we must talk about International Francophonie Day. It is the 220th of March when people observe International Francophonie Day. The foremost objective of this day is to dignify the anniversary of the ACCT. Well, ACCT stands for Agency for Cultural and Technician Cooperation. Well, this agency makes the first and foremost step for developing the Francophone Cooperation.